The World Apostolate of Fatima has long used this Morning Offering which captures the essence of the redemptive power of Christ's Blood and the subsequent invitation given by Jesus to all believers: "O my God, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ from all the altars of the world, joining with It the offering of my every thought, word and action of this day." Those who have been baptized "are washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb." The Precious Blood of Jesus urges the followers of the Lord to imitate the remarkable charity of Christ by selflessly serving God and neighbor.
Mysteries of the Bible FREE Online ClassesĪlthough Christ poured out His Blood on Calvary nearly two millennia ago, the merits of that generous act extend to today. As Jesus, soaked in His own Blood, hung on the cross for the world's salvation, the human race witnessed proof that God would spare nothing in His desire to reestablish sanctifying grace in His sons and daughters. The warm, soothing Blood of the Redeemer served as a healing salve for a world grown cold.

While countless gallons of blood in our contemporary era are senselessly wasted in vain, the Blood of Christ was shed for the noble purpose of reuniting fallen humanity to its Creator. The Faithful everywhere recall, as the Consecration of the Mass states, "the Blood of the new and everlasting covenant will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven" (Mt 26:28). The Church has traditionally dedicated July to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. Shedding blood, whether one's own or another's, seems nowadays to be no big deal. From such violence comes the inevitable fallout: society at large becomes bitter and unforgiving, desensitized to the horrendous reality of such brutality. The murders, suicides and maimings pile up with no relief in sight. To rational people, this continuous bloodletting seems insane. The more blood that is ruthlessly spilled, the more ink that is used to describe in chilling detail the gruesome facts.

It's often said that the communications media-radio, television, print and Internet-tend to report primarily "bad news." The morning headlines and the evening news programs have at least one thing in common: gore.